Affiliate Directory
Are you looking for a trusted Affiliate to work with and enhance your business? Search for Affiliates in our Online Directory.
Become an Affiliate
Affiliate members have access to a dynamic membership network committed to improving the community and upholding the professionalism of the real estate industry. As part of BAR’s promise to offer real solutions, we provide resources and the education needed to ensure success and to grow the business of the membership.
Join today and have exposure to 4,000+ Members! There are two types of Affiliate Memberships available, Affiliate and Affiliate Associate. A company’s first membership is the primary contact, known as the Affiliate. A company’s additional memberships are active contacts, known as Affiliate Associates. To begin your company’s Affiliate Membership or to be added as an Affiliate Associate under your company’s account, complete the online application below.
Affiliate Application Affiliate Associate Application
What do Affiliates have access to?
Affiliate Members have access to the following: BAR Communications, Member Directory, Committees, Exclusive Networking, Invitations to Events, Sponsorship Opportunities, Industry Advocacy, Increased Exposure, Brand Growth, and an Annual Trade Show Expo.
Committee Participation as an Affiliate
Members have the opportunity to develop and enhance their leadership skills through participation in workgroups, such as committees, task forces, and presidential advisory groups. This includes leadership roles as chairs and vice-chairs.
Networking and Events
Attend member-organized events throughout the year that cover a wide range of interests. Events support interaction among members, affiliates, and vendors. Affiliate Members are encouraged to provide input on future events or programs they’d like to attend that would help them make the most of their membership with the Birmingham Association of REALTORS®.
Awards and Recognition
Attend member-organized events throughout the year that cover a wide range of interests. Events support interaction among members, affiliates, and vendors. Affiliate Members are encouraged to provide input on future events or programs they’d like to attend that would help them make the most of their membership with the Birmingham Association of REALTORS®.
Professional Management and Expert Answers
BAR’s top-notch, professional staff ensures tools, products, programs, and services are delivered in the most cost-effective manner. Our experts field your questions and guide you to the best solutions. The community outreach program here at BAR brings the Association to you and your office. This way we can share the most pertinent information with you and gain feedback on how to best serve our members.